Hugo and Josefin

13th August 1971, Hugo and Josefin, ‘Kensington Post’ page 35

HUGO AND JOSEFIN (U), which is showing at the Electric Cinema Club, Portobello Road, on Monday at 7, Tuesday at 9 and Wednesday at 7 and 11, is all too rarely screened.

Swedish director Kjell Grede’s first feature film. It is based on Maria Gripe’s much-praised children’s books, and was hailed in Sweden as the first film genuinely about children.

The film has a simplicity that will appeal to the very young, and neither of the children who play the title role – Fredrik Becklen and Marie Ohman – were professionals. This superbly photographed movie has been variously – described as “a minor key ELVIRA MADIGAN” and a strong contender for the title of “most beautiful film ever made.” It was universally acclaimed when first shown in Britain about 18 months ago. Swedish dialogue/sub-titles.